Data Export for Jira

Export Jira Cloud data effortlessly for reporting, productivity tracking, and data-driven decision-making.

Data Export for Jira

Data Export for Jira streamlines the process of extracting and organizing data from Jira Cloud, turning it into actionable insights. Save time by automatically extracting issue keys, work logs, time spent, logged users, assignees, and more. With simple steps, select single or multiple projects, choose individual or multiple users, and filter by date to extract the required data. Use multiple filters to drill down specific issue fields and share work log data across projects with stakeholders. This tool offers a user-friendly interface, making it an invaluable asset for Jira administrators and teams.

Effortlessly Export and Analyze Your Jira Data with Data Export for Jira

Turn Jira Cloud data into actionable insights with Data Export for Jira. Extract, organize, and export data effortlessly for improved project management and decision-making. Available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Automated Data Extraction

Extract data from Jira Cloud quickly and efficiently.

Streamlined Data Handling

Easily select projects, users, and date ranges.

Effortless Data Export

Export data in CSV format for easy visualization.

Explore The Marketplace

Browse Data Export for Jira App Projects App Directly In The Marketplace.